Josh Sheridan

Josh Sheridan


My name is Josh Sheridan, and I am the founder of BWYA Coaching. BWYA is the result of my experience working as a Tailored Day Specialist (TDS) in Southern California. As a TDS, I worked one-on-one with adults on the autism spectrum to help them pursue their educational, occupational, and relationship goals.

During my work with clients, I came to understand the unique challenges faced by adults and teens with autism in a world that still largely misunderstands and misrepresents the experience of people on the spectrum. Because of this, I decided to start BWYA to offer support, encouragement, and accountability specifically for clients who are on the spectrum.

The ethos here at BWYA is to Be Where You Are, and this is why the work that I do is first and foremost to instill confidence in my clients and accept where they are at in their journey.

If you feel that you could benefit from coaching, I would love to be in touch. Use the contact form to set up a FREE 30-minute discovery call. I look forward to supporting you on your journey!
